Top 5 Mayan Cuisine Dishes
Still Enjoyed Today

A rich and hearty stew made with meat (typically chicken or pork), roasted vegetables, and a blend of spices such as achiote, cinnamon, and cumin. Pepian is often served with rice and tortillas and is known for its deep, complex flavors.

Tamalitos de Chipilin:
These traditional tamales are made with masa (corn dough) mixed with chipilin leaves, a common herb in Mayan cooking. The mixture is then wrapped in corn husks and steamed until cooked. Tamalitos de Chipilin have a subtle, earthy flavor and are often enjoyed as a snack or side dish.
What are Chipilin Leaves ?
Chipilin leaves, also known as chaya leaves, are commonly used in Central American cuisine. They come from the chipilin plant, native to Mesoamerica. These leaves have a slightly bitter taste and are similar to spinach. They're often used in dishes like tamales, soups, and stews for their unique flavor and nutritional value.

A traditional Mayan turkey soup flavored with achiote paste, cilantro, and other aromatic spices. Kak'ik is known for its deep red color and rich, spicy flavor. It is often served with rice and garnished with chopped cilantro and lime wedges.

Atol de Elote:
A warm and comforting drink made from fresh corn kernels, milk, sugar, and spices such as cinnamon and nutmeg.
Atol de Elote has been enjoyed by Mayan communities for centuries and is often served as a breakfast or dessert beverage.