Top 5 Mayan Cuisine Dishes
Still Enjoyed Today
A rich and hearty stew made with meat (typically chicken or pork), roasted vegetables, and a blend of spices such as achiote, cinnamon, and cumin. Pepian is often served with rice and tortillas and is known for its deep, complex flavors.
Tamalitos de Chipilin:
These traditional tamales are made with masa (corn dough) mixed with chipilin leaves, a common herb in Mayan cooking. The mixture is then wrapped in corn husks and steamed until cooked. Tamalitos de Chipilin have a subtle, earthy flavor and are often enjoyed as a snack or side dish.
What are Chipilin Leaves ?
Chipilin leaves, also known as chaya leaves, are commonly used in Central American cuisine. They come from the chipilin plant, native to Mesoamerica. These leaves have a slightly bitter taste and are similar to spinach. They're often used in dishes like tamales, soups, and stews for their unique flavor and nutritional value.